Any One Of These Website Ideas Could Make Money, Take Action Now Before Somebody Else Does

Many people struggle to find good website ideas when they are thinking of starting an online business.

We have all seen the success stories in the media of companies like facebook and twitter, however, most of us will never reach this level of success and really don't need to. Although it would be very nice to build a massive online company like the above, it's so much easier and more realistic to concentrate our efforts on a much smaller targeted audience which we could exploit and make money.

If you want to start and grow your own website, you should try to do something you enjoy or are knowledgeable about, but if you're still stuck for website ideas, take a look at the list below and see where it takes you.

I have put this list together to help you find your own ideas. Some are already being used, others could form the basis of a successful business:

Pet Memorials – a place where pet lovers can remember their deceased pets.

My top ten – ask visitors to list their top ten from a choice of different categories.

I confess – a site where people can confess their sins.

My best/worst experience – visitors could describe their experiences for the world to see.

Sorry – a place where visitors could post a sorry message.

Niche articles – visitors can upload articles on a specific subject.

Favourite video – visitors can place links with a short review of any video they find.

Ad forever – similar to million dollar homepage, advertisers place an ad for a single fee.

My story – visitors can write about anything.

Pictures of ? - London, New York, bikes, dogs, horses or anything. Visitors upload pictures for the world to see.

Finder site - absolutely any subject that interests you.

Save our - site where users can ask for help to save a church, school, club or anything else.

All about a name - site dedicated to a particular name such as Robert, Julie, David or any other name.

Before and after - site where users can upload a before and after picture of their achievements for the world to see. From houses to cars and anything else, this site could be very popular.

Your opinion - users can give their opinion on any subject for all to see. This could become a very active social network site.

If any of the above ideas interest you, why not do some research and start your very own success story. Somebody could make money from these website ideas, why not you?

This selection not doing it for you? Take a look at more good website ideas

Once you start to build your site, the next step is traffic. Some webmasters spend thousands trying to attract visitors, but you don't have to. Take a look at my top ten website promotion ideas and get all the visitors you need.

Still dreaming of a better life? This true story will inspire you to to take action and prove you can do it too.

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