Make money sending tips to magazines

by Annie
(London, UK)

A really good idea for making some extra cash is to write tips and send them to magazines. They take no time at all and can earn you anywhere between £10 to £100! All you need to do is think about shortcuts you use in the kitchen, home or garden, or ask friends or family for their tips. The more original tip, the better chance you have of getting published and making money. To make even more cash, you can take a photo of you showing your tip or of the item your tip needs - eg: show a cafetiere of coffee or a bag of coffee as used coffee grounds can remove stains from your hands. Most people have a digital camera now so you can easily upload photos in no time. You don't even need to buy the magazines as you can search your favourite publication via google as most magazines have a website. Simply search for "tips" and write your tip in a concise manner in the text box with a catchy title and upload your photo. It is really that easy! Within 6 weeks you may see a cheque landing on your doormat for a few minutes work. It really is that easy!

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Sep 21, 2012
Me Too! NEW
by: Sally

Since reading your article, I have also had a few successes. My current total stands at just over £120 and I'm absolutely delighted with my progress.

Aug 25, 2012
I Did It NEW
by: Jacki

Thanks so much for your fab idea. Just received my first £25 Im very pleased.

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